NEHAWU Western Cape Welcomes The Labour Court Finding The Director General, And The Department of Agriculture, Rural Development And Land Reform Of Being In Contempt Of Court In Respect Of Certified Award
Wednesday December 11, 2024
The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] in the Western Cape welcomes the Labour Court of South Africa declaration that the Director General of Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Mr. Ramasodi Mooketsa, and the Department as 1st and 2nd respondents respectively of being in contempt of court order in the judgement delivered on the 11th of December 2024.
The contempt of court order follows our branch in Mowbray having received an award in the GPSSBC that our member was wrongly translated for no justifiable reasons in terms of Resolution 5 of 2009 in the same Council which the department opted not to implement and even failed to appeal such outcomes in the prescribed period in terms of Labour Court rules.
The final ruling by the Labour Court has directed the Department of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development to ensure the correct translation of our member within 14 days from the day of judgement delivery accompanied with the fine of R100 000, and further granted the union court costs which both the Director general and Department must pay jointly without fail.
The judgement therefore sends a strong signal that no employer shall be allowed to treat our members unfairly, and that as a result we commit ourselves to expose the department and others of many wrong things relating to conditions of employment of our members where we exists including their unlawful decision taken by the DALRRD not to pay Grade Progression to those in OSD on the basis of unwritten rule of compulsory registration including with those who were never appointed but translated to those positions.
Hence, we call on the Department of Agriculture Rural Development and Land Reform to get its house into order on these matters or risk its continuous embarrassment and exposure of management paralysis because NEHAWU will leave no stones unturned.

Issued by Western Cape Secretariat
For more information, please contact: Cde Baxolise Mali (NEHAWU Western Cape Provincial Secretary) at 066 3050 591 or Or
Cde Lucky Bopape (Western Cape Provincial Deputy Secretary) at 083 719 0692 or email:
email: Visit
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