NEHAWU KZN Statement On Sunday World Fake News
Monday September 02, 2024
In the past few days the union has convened the Branch Executive Committees [BECs] and Branch General Meetings [BGMs] in all of our 230 branches across the province and there was no such discussions that arose from those meetings. After these meetings, we proceeded to the Regional Executive Committee [REC] meetings in all our four regions and again no discussions on MKP took place. Our primary focus was the 2025/6 public service wage negotiations.
The union is currently engaged in a targeted recruitment program as resolved by the 2023 Central Executive Committee meeting and continues to be warmly received by workers in various sectors. We are also visiting various workplaces as part of outlining our approach and framework for 2025/26 public service wage negotiations. NEHAWU is not a federal organization, decisions taken by our National Congress, Central Executive Committee and National Executive Committee respectively binds the union in the province. We remain committed to the struggle for the National Democratic Revolution.
NEHAWU in KZN wishes to place it record that people who are mentioned in the Sunday World are not known to the union. Both branches of Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Hospital and Ngwelezane Hospital were part of the recent RECs and are both seized with the work of the union. The names published by Sunday World do not appear in our membership database.
The union demands that Sunday World retract the article within 24 hours, failure to do so will result in the union exploring legal avenues.
As NEHAWU, we remain resolute in defence of our members as they fight for a living wage and better working conditions. We will continue to wage a relentless struggle to protect the interest of workers and defend collective bargaining at all material times.

Issued by NEHAWU KwaZulu-Natal Secretariat
Ayanda Zulu (Provincial Secretary) at 081 758 5199 or email: or
Ntokozo Nxumalo (Provincial Deputy Secretary) at 0815255983 or email: