Free State conducted a developmental training of the regional office bearers through EDUSEC

13 April 2022

Swaziland Blockade
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Cde Thulile Kumalo Providing Training to ROBs in Free State
Free State conducted a developmental training of the regional office bearers through EDUSEC
Free State conducted a developmental training of the regional office bearers through EDUSEC
Free State conducted a developmental training of the regional office bearers through EDUSEC
Free State conducted a developmental training of the regional office bearers through EDUSEC
Free State conducted a developmental training of the regional office bearers through EDUSEC

The Province of the Free State has recently conducted the development of the regional office bearers training which was done through EDUSEC national so as to equipped the regional leaders with the knowledge and skills to prepare them for Branch Congresses since this year 2022 is the year of the Branch

NEHAWU Education Service Center