NEHAWU Statement On The Re-Appointment Of The Acting Director-General Of The Department of Social Development
Friday September 15, 2023
The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] calls on the Department of Social Development to halt the process of reappointing of Mr NPL Mchunu as the Acting Director-General as from 04 October to 31 March 2024.
As NEHAWU, we are fundamental opposed to the re-appointment of the Mr NPL Mchunu as Acting Director-General of the Department of Social Development. The reappointment is unlawful and goes against the prescripts of the Public Service Regulations in terms of an acting duration.
Mr Mchunu has been acting as the Director-General for over the prescribed period of 12 months, infact he has been acting since the 04th May 2020 with extensions until currently. This is irregular and contravenes the Public Service Regulations.
The Public Service Regulations states that a funded vacant post shall be advertised within six months after becoming vacant. The department has contravened the said regulation as Mchunu has been acting for a period of over three years.
The reappointment of Mchunu is an unacceptable practice by the Department and further gives an impression that there’s no-one suitable for the position unless it’s only Mr Mchunu. As NEHAWU, we have long called for the filling of the vacant post of the Director-General and that it should be filled by a capable, qualified and experienced individual. The fact that Mchunu, has acted for a duration of three years without being appointed permanently clearly demonstrates that he does not possess what is required for the position.
We find it worrisome that the department is totally disregarding Public Service Regulations in such a manner. As NEHAWU, we are calling on the Public Service Commission to institute an investigation on the violation of Public Service Regulations by the Department in terms of the appointment of Mchunu as Acting Director-General for such a long period. Equally, we call on the Department of Public Service and Administration as the employer to halt the irregular and unlawful process of reappointing Mchunu as acting Director-General.
As NEHAWU, we will continue being in the forefront of championing for proper governance and administration within the Public Service.

Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat
Zola Saphetha (General Secretary) at 082 558 5968;
December Mavuso (Deputy General Secretary) at 082 558 5969;
Lwazi Nkolonzi (NEHAWU National Spokesperson) at 081 558 2335 or email: