NEHAWU Free State Mourns The Passing of Maluti Regional Chairperson, Comrade Napo Nthunya
Sunday January 09, 2022
The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] in the Free State Province has learnt with great sadness the passing of Maluti Regional Chairperson, Comrade Napo Nthunya. Comrade Nthunya passed away on Friday 7th January 2022 after a short illness.
NEHAWU conveys its heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and comrades in the Mass Democratic Movement (MDM). We wish his family strength and courage during this difficult moment.
His passing takes place while workers are bleeding and under a relentless attack from the government, which is currently driving a concerted plan to destroy collective bargaining and collapse progressive trade unionism. The province is indeed shattered by the untimely passing of Cde Nthunya, during a period in which we need the wisdom of comrades of his calibre within the Union.
Cde Nthunya dedicated his entire life in fighting for decent salaries and safe working conditions of workers in general, workers in NHLS and public servants in particular. He championed shopfloor struggles and spent his energy in defending the gains of workers.
Cde Nthunya was a long-serving shopsteward and a recipient of the Bheki Mkhize Long-Service Award at our 12th National Congress held in November 2021.
In 1990, Comrade Nthunya was appointed in the then Qwaqwa Government, Department of Health Laboratory as a Student Medical Technician, and in the same period was elected as a sectional Shopsteward representing the laboratory at Mofumahadi Manapo Regional Hospital.
From 2006 when he was elected as NHLS National Coordinator until his untimely passing. In 2014 – 2016 he served as the Branch Chairperson of Mofumahadi Manapo Regional Hospital and in 2016, He was elected as the Acting Regional Chairperson of Maluti. At the 7th Maluti Regional Congress held in 2019, He was elected the Regional Chairperson.
Cde Nthunya played a key role in the union in strengthening the workplace organization to defend collective bargaining, deepened class consciousness and advanced internationalism. He devoted the better part of his life to fight for workers’ rights, defending collective bargaining, improving workers’ lives and their working conditions until his last breath.
In his honour, the union in the province will intensify its campaign to defend collective bargaining. We will continue to fight for the ideals he believed in defence of workers.
NEHAWU dips its banners at the passing of this exceptional leader of the working class who served the union with distinction. The details of both memorial and funeral service will be communicated as soon as they are available.
“Long Live the undying spirit of Cde Napo Nthunya Long Live”
Issued by NEHAWU Free State Provincial Secretariat
For further information, please contact Khauhelo Mnqibisa [Provincial Secretary] at 063 685 1887 or email
Jack Mabeba [Provincial Deputy Secretary] at 063 685 1907 or email